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Single Ended Ultra-Linear HiFi output transformer. This transformer is rated at 30W and has a nominal primary impedance of 1.25k with secondary taps for 4,8, & 16ohms. Frequency response is 20Hz-20kHz +/- 1dB @ 30W. Recommended Max primary DC 225mA. Can also be set up for different primary impedances by changing loading on secondary taps. Other combinations are 625ohm primary with 4 and 8ohm outputs, 2.5k primary with 8 and 16ohm outputs, 5kohm primary with 16ohm output. Typically used for PSE 300B's, 2A3's, 6B4G's. Could also be used with 6C33 or quad PSE EL34's, 6L6GC's, KT66's, KT77's, etc. Made in USA.
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