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Even if you don't plan on working on your own amp, these books give you essential info that any connosieur of tube amps ought to know...can save you labor time & help with troubleshooting, too.
 | RCA RC-30 Tube Manual RCA RC-30 vacuum tube data manual reprint, this is a larger, later (ca 1975) version of the venerable RCA manual that not only covers recieving types but many industrial numbers not covered in earlier editions, so it's about twice as thick as the earlier RC-19. Includes nearly all tubes used in US made audio & guitar amps. Also has useful Resistance Coupled Amplifier charts, and sample circuits.

|  |  | HOW TO SERVICE YOUR OWN TUBE AMP - BOOK BY TOM MITCHELL A Complete Guide for the Curious Musician
A well organized and easy-to-understand approach to guitar amplifier repair covering basic electronics, reading schematics, understanding tubes and transformers, tube biasing and use of test equipment. Also provides 10 troubleshooting flowcharts, voltage charts for typical amplifiers, and many modifications that you can do yourself.
250 pages.

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