4 Pole 22 Position Alps Switch 4 pole, 22 step make before break switch, usually used for making stepped attenuators. Please note we are out of the little PC boards for mounting the resistors, you'll have to solder them directly to the switch lugs . Mounts in standard 3/8 inch hole. Measures 3 1/4 inches (80 mm) long by 2 X 2 inches
(52 X 52 mm) square.Made by Alps in Japan.
To calculate the resistor values you'll need, click here

|  | 50 ohm Hum Balance Pot 5W Wirewound - DISCONTINUED Usually used on 2 or 2.5 volt AC filaments to "balance out" hum

100 Ohm Hum Balance Pot 5W Wirewound Usually used on 5V or 6.3V filaments

|  | 10K Linear Control 10K linear control,standard chassis mount, 1/4" (6.35 mm) shaft diameter. Often used as bias controls.

25K Linear Control 25K linear control,standard chassis mount, 1/4" (6.35 mm) shaft diameter. Often used as bias controls.

|  | 250K ALPHA Audio Control 250K audio taper control,standard chassis mount.

500K Single Audio Control 500K Audio taper control, standard chassis mount, 1/4" (6.35 mm) shaft diameter.Made by Alpha.

|  | 500K ALPHA Audio Taper Control 500K audio taper control,standard chassis mount.

500K STEREO Audio Control 500K dual audio taper control,standard chassis mount, 1/4" (6.35 mm) shaft diameter.3/8 inch long shaft.

|  | 1 Meg CTS Audio Control 1 megohm audio taper control,standard chassis mount, 1/4" (6.35 mm) shaft diameter.3/8 inch long nylon shaft.Made by CTS.
